Weight Loss Tips: Ayurvedic foods to shed kilos

Do you often find yourself staring into the mirror, sucking your tummy in and trying all sorts of quick fixes to hide the bulge? Well, you are not alone! Belly fat can be a little too stubborn at times.  But with a balanced diet and dedicated fitness regimen, you can help ensure you get achieve the kind of waistline you wish to achieve. The causes of belly fat are mainly proportional to our lifestyle choices. For some, it could be based in genetics or even hormonal fluctuations. According to Ayurveda, there are several foods and herbs that are known to boost metabolism, digestion and cut belly fat naturally. Including these foods in your diet may just prove to be a game changer for you too! Have a look. 

Ayurveda For Weight Loss | Ayurvedic Superfoods To Cut Belly Fat

1. Amla

Amla, or Indian gooseberry, is replete with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that are known to boost skin, hair and digestive health. Amla is also enriched with dietary fibres. Fibres take the longest to break down and digest, which in turn helps induce feeling of satiety and, thereby, promote weight loss. Ayurveda expert, Dr. Ashutosh Gautam, Clinical Operations, tells us that the alkaline nature of amla helps in clearing the system and strengthening the digestive system. A healthy digestion is crucial for fast metabolism.

2. Jeera water

This wonder beverage is exceptionally low in calories. Did you know that one teaspoon of cumin seeds has only seven calories? Its volatile oils are also incredible in boosting digestion naturally and stimulate fat burning by improving metabolism naturally.

(Also Read: 15 Incredible Benefits of Jeera Water for Your Skin, Hair and Health)

jeera water weight lossWeight Loss: Jeera water drink is easy to prepare and equally effective.

3. Methi dana

Fenugreek seeds are used in a number of Ayurvedic home remedies for a whole range of issues. Galactomannan, a water-soluble component found in methi dana, helps curb your cravings. Experts also say that methi seeds can increase the metabolic rate of the body and improve insulin activity, both of which are important in facilitating weight loss.

fenugreek seeds

Methi dana (Fenugreek) increase the metabolic rate of the body and improve insulin activity.

4. Cinnamon or Dalchini

Another metabolism boosting spice you can add to your diet is cinnamon. According to a study, published in the Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology, cinnamaldehyde in cinnamon stimulated metabolism of the fatty visceral tissue, which could prove helpful in cutting belly fat. Best way to make most of its weight loss properties is by having a cup of cinnamon water on an empty stomach every morning.

(Also Read: 6 Reasons Why You Should Be Drinking Cinnamon Water Daily)

diabetics too can benefit from cinnamon

Another metabolism boosting spice you can add to your diet is cinnamon.

5. Triphala

Triphala helps detoxify your body and promotes healthy digestion. Triphala is a concoction made using three dried fruits including amalaki (amla), bibhitaki and haritaki. Ayurveda experts advise taking triphala churna in hot water at least two hours after dinner and half hour before breakfast.
