Before you head outside on Monday, Aug. 21, to catch a glimpse of the Great American Solar Eclipse of 2017, astronomy experts and medical professionals say it is crucial to take special precautions to protect your eyes from serious damage.
They also say it’s vital to use special solar filters to avoid damage to your camera lens or light sensor if you’re shooting the eclipse with professional devices like an SLR or DSLR camera — although there’s some debate about whether solar filters are needed for smartphone cameras.
Stop before you look up at the sun, and make sure you are wearing special solar glasses designed to protect your eyes from serious damage. That’s the advice being stressed by scientists, astronomers and eye doctors all across the nation.
Even on a normal day, when there’s no eclipse, you never should look directly at the sun without using solar glasses with protective lenses that conform to international safety standards, experts say.
How do you know if your solar glasses are legit? Make sure they are stamped with “ISO 12312-2” and manufactured by one of the many companies endorsed by NASA and the American Astronomical Society. Check this list of reputable vendors of solar filters, and beware of phony products being sold in some stores and on the internet.
Experts also say you should be wary of using solar glasses that are old, because they might not conform to the latest safety standards, and to avoid using glasses with torn or cracked solar filters.

Experts say special solar glasses must be worn to avoid eye damage when looking directly at the solar eclipse. (Len Melisurgo | NJ Advance Media for
If you look directly at the sun without wearing protective solar glasses, eye damage can occur within seconds of exposure, according to Marilyn Gordon, medical director for UnitedHealthcare of New Jersey.
“The sun is incredibly bright – some 400,000 times brighter than a full moon. For this reason, any amount of exposure can cause short-term and/or long-term damage,” Gordon said.
“Short-term issues can include solar keratitis, which is similar to a sunburn of the cornea (the front part of the eye). This can cause eye pain and light sensitivity, with symptoms often occurring within 24 hours after exposure,” she noted. “Long-term issues can include solar retinopathy, which is when the sun burns a hole in the retinal tissues, usually occurring at the fovea. This can cause loss of central vision, with symptoms occurring immediately to two weeks after exposure. Depending on the severity of the retinopathy, vision problems can last for months or be permanent.”

On Aug. 21, 2017, the moon will temporarily block the sun’s powerful rays. (Dreamstime/TNS)
Although it might be tempting if you’re unable to find a pair of protective solar glasses, experts warn you should not look at the sun with regular sunglasses, even those that are very dark or have a high UV rating. Regular sunglasses will not protect your eyes from infrared radiation, Gordon and other medical experts noted.
Two other options if you can’t find solar glasses: Hand-held solar viewers or welder glasses. The hand-held viewers must be certified for safety standards, just like the solar glasses, and the welder glasses must be Shade 12 or higher.

Experts strongly recommend wearing special solar filter glasses to avoid eye damage during the solar eclipse. (Spencer Platt | Getty Images)
If you happen to ignore all the experts’ warnings and look at the solar eclipse without wearing protective solar glasses, keep in mind that often there are no immediate signs of eye damage, Gordon said.
“Symptoms can occur immediately, within several hours or even weeks after exposure,” the doctor noted. “Potential signs of damage include sensitivity to light, eye pain and loss of vision in one or both eyes.”
If you experience any of those symptoms, you should see an eye care professional for a thorough exam.
Experts say the only time it is safe to watch a solar eclipse without special eye protection is during the very short period of totality — about two minutes when the moon completely blocks the sun. However, only people in parts of 14 states will get a full eclipse on Aug. 21.
Sky watchers in New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and the rest of the Northeast region will see only a partial eclipse, so they need to wear solar glasses throughout the entire event if they are looking directly at the sun.

With all the hype over the big event, your instincts may be to take a selfie or a direct photo of the solar eclipse. Before you try to do that, heed the advice of experts so you don’t damage your eyes or your cameras.
First of all, medical experts say solar glasses will not protect your eyes if you look at the sun through a large camera, a telescope, binoculars or any other device that magnifies the sun.
“The concentrated solar rays will damage the filter and enter your eyes,” says Dr. Joseph Calderone of Better Vision New Jersey. “If you must use these devices, make sure to use only specially designed filters for their lenses.”
Astronomy experts at agree, saying this: “Telescopes, binoculars and cameras must be fitted with solar filters before and after totality. Pointing an unprotected lens directly at the sun can damage the instrument. NEVER look at the sun through binoculars, a telescope or a camera lens without a solar filter — the magnified light can damage your eyes faster than looking at the sun unaided.”

Experts say special solar filters must be placed on telescopes, binoculars and SLR cameras to avoid damage to those devices during the solar eclipse. Most say filters are not needed on small cameras, like those on smartphones. (Gillian Flaccus | AP)
If you’re planning to view the eclipse through a telescope or binoculars, or snap photos with an SLR or DSLR (non-smartphone) camera, this safety tip is not optional — it’s a must. Experts stress that solar viewing filters need to be attached to the aperture, or front opening, of those devices — the side that’s facing the sun.
If you’re not sure how to do this correctly, check with a local photo shop or planetarium. Using the wrong type of filter or attaching it incorrectly could result in serious damage to your eyes or your equipment.
The American Astronomical Society offers this dire warning about some cheap telescopes that are on the market: “Solar filters designed to thread into an eyepiece at the back end of the telescope, where you put your eye, are dangerous; sunlight concentrated by your optics could destroy it and injure your eye in a flash — literally. If you have such a filter, discard it. We’ll say it again: a solar filter must be attached to the front of your telescope, binoculars, or camera lens.”

There have been conflicting reports on whether your iPhone or Android camera can be damaged if you photograph the solar eclipse with those small devices without using a solar filter. But Apple, the iPhone maker, says no filter is needed.
According to USA Today, Apple’s view is this: “You could point your iPhone at the sun right now to take photos and the camera’s sensor and the lens would not be damaged, and the same is the case for the solar eclipse.”
NASA says most professional photographers believe it is OK to use a smartphone camera without a filter “if you do it very briefly such as when you’re taking a scenery photo and the sun is in the picture.”
That’s because most smartphones have lenses that are very small, UV filters that reduce some of the visible light landing on the device’s sensor chip, and exposures that are automatically set for very short times, according to NASA.
“The argument for it not being safe is that some of the more recent smartphones use larger and faster lenses to get better resolution, and that can be a problem,” NASA says in an eclipse photography guide it produced.
NASA says you can tape ISO-certified solar glasses over your smartphone lens to snap photos of the eclipse, but the space agency warns you need to be very careful not to expose your unprotected eyes to the sun’s powerful rays.

If you have no solar eclipse glasses or simply don’t want to risk any eye damage, there are some safe viewing options.
One is to create your own cardboard pinhole viewer, so you won’t have to look at the sun. Instead, you’ll see the eclipse projected into a box, onto the ground or onto a piece of white paper. offers these instructions on how to make a pinhole viewer, also known as a “pinhole projector.”
Another option is to watch the solar eclipse on one of the many videos that will be live-streamed online, or watch live coverage on your television. That way, you’ll get to see multiple angles, different backdrops and — if you don’t live near the path of totality — the full eclipse.
These are among the places to watch the eclipse on your computer or smartphone:
- NASA live stream
-’s live stream
- Exploratorium in SanFrancisco live stream
- Science Channel’s Facebook live stream
- CNN special event coverage
If you want to learn how to make your own pinhole viewer at home, here are step-by-step instructions from Ranger Bob Reichman of the New Jersey Astronomical Association. All you need are some simple supplies, like a shoe box, white paper, scissors, tape and aluminum foil.